We just kicked out a pretty massive update that reflects the changes mentioned here.

New features

Support for child themes is now included with the core of Design Palette Pro, rather than extensions. All packages have received this update. At this time we support Metro Pro, Minimum Pro, eleven40 Pro, Beautiful Pro, and Executive Pro. Support for all other Genesis HTML5 child themes is in development and will be automatically added to your Design Palette Pro plugin when released. Upon upgrade, Design Palette Pro will attempt to detect the Genesis child theme you are using. If it doesn’t find it, Design Palette Pro will default to stock Genesis 2.0 settings and display a warning that your child theme couldn’t be detected, with an option to choose the correct one.

How to install

If your license key is entered and active, you should see an update available in your WordPress Dashboard. Click to update to the latest version. If your license key is not entered… why? That’s how the magic happens! Alternatively, you could login to your account here, download the Design Palette Pro .zip file, and upload to your Plugins via your WordPress dashboard. As always, feel free to reach out via your support widget if you run into any trouble updating.

Full changelog for Design Palette Pro 1.2.0:

  • New: Child theme extensions are now integrated into the core plugin. You can deactivate any existing child theme extensions. You can change the selected child theme from the Settings tab in DPP.
  • New: Executive Pro is now supported!
  • New: Beautiful Pro is now supported!
  • New: Settings to make fonts italic with ‘font-style’
  • New: New hooks to add your own child themes: ‘gppro_child_themes’ and ‘gppro_load_child_theme_extension_{$theme}’
  • Tweak: Added Text Appearance (text-transform) setting to entry titles.
  • Tweak: The front-end CSS file is now loaded with a protocol-relative URL to improve HTTPS compatibility.