UPDATE This issue has been resolved for a few weeks now. We’ve removed the link to the hotfix plugin since it is no longer necessary.

We’ve been experiencing some issues with our server the past few weeks. If you’ve received this error when trying to activate your Design Palette Pro license:

Activation server not available

Then 1.) we’re very sorry for the inconvenience 2.) please know that even unactivated, Design Palette Pro will still work without restriction. Unfortunately, your support widget and updates will remain unavailable, so if you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at help@reaktivstudios.com.


We’re in the process of a long-term solution. In the meantime, if you’ve experienced the activation server error message, please download, install, and activate the following hotfix plugin we’ve written. You will need this to receive both plugin updates and support via the support widget. 

This should fix the activation server issue. If in your case it does not, again, please do reach out to us at help@reaktivstudios.com so we can begin further debugging for you.