Changing the fonts is one of the fastest and most effective ways of changing the look of a default Genesis child theme. Google fonts are one of the most accessible ways to add custom fonts. If you’d like to harness the power of Google fonts from within the Design Palette Pro interface, we’ve made it easy for you with our free Design Palette Pro Google Webfonts plugin.
Once this plugin has been installed and activated, a selection of Google fonts will be added to any of your theme’s font family dropdown menus. These options may change depending on which Genesis child theme you have installed.
The hardest part is choosing which Design Palette Pro Google Webfonts to use!
If you’re having a hard time picking fonts out for your theme customization, check out Brian Gardner’s Five Favorite Google Font Combinations. One of his favorites might be just the combination you’re looking for. Or mix and match until you find your own favorite combination. Our font list is a balance of popular type styles that work well together. With over 60 fonts to choose from, there are a lot of options!
Serif Fonts: Abril Fatface, Arvo, Bitter, Bree Serif, Crimson Text, Enriqueta, Fenix, Josefin Slab, Lora, Merriweather, Neuton, Nixie One, Old Standard TT, Playfair Display, Podkova, PT Serif, Quattrocento, Rokkitt, Roboto Slab, Source Serif Pro and Vollkorn
Sans-Serif Fonts: Abel, Archivo Narrow, Cabin, Dosis, Inder, Josefin Sans, Lato, Montserrat, Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Orienta, Oswald, Oxygen, Pathway Gothic One, Quattrocento Sans, Quicksand, Raleway, Roboto, Roboto Condensed, Signika, Source Sans Pro and Syncopate
Cursive/Decorative Fonts: Arizonia, Bilbo Swash Caps, Cabin Sketch, Calligraffitti, Dancing Script, Fredericka the Great, Great Vibes, Handlee, Kaushan Script, Londrina Outline, Londrina Sketch, Meddon, Pacifico, Rock Salt, Sacramento and Sofia